Self documented Makefile - Advanced example#

Following example shows more advanced self documented Makefile.

  • This solution allows group tasks together based on special comment before targets


# ============================================================================
# Based on page:
# Example of self-documented makefile
# Add the following 'help' target to your Makefile
# And add help text after each target name starting with '\#\#'
# Downloaded from:
# ============================================================================

## General

# Help target
help:: ## Help: Show this help text
	@gawk -vG=$$(tput setaf 2) -vR=$$(tput sgr0) ' \
		match($$0, "^(([^#:]*[^ :]) *:)?([^#]*)##([^#].+|)$$",a) { \
			if (a[2] != "") { printf "    make %s%-30s%s %s\n", G, a[2], R, a[4]; next } \
			if (a[3] == "") { print a[4]; next } \
			printf "\n%-36s %s\n","",a[4] \
	@echo "" # blank line at the end

.PHONY: display-info-file
display-info-file: ## Display INFO file
	cat "00Info.txt"

## Helper

.PHONY: bump-ver-patch
bump-ver-patch: ## Bump version - patch level
	bumpversion patch

.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Clean: Clean all temporary files
	$(MAKE) -C docs clean
	rm -fr *~

## Validate

.PHONY: validate
validate: ## Run ansible-lint validator
	@echo ""
	@echo "== Run ansible-lint =="
	ansible-lint tower-*.yml

.PHONY: validate-all
validate-all: ## Run all validation scripts
validate-all: galaxy_install validate galaxy_remove

## Operations

.PHONY: galaxy-install
galaxy-install: ## Ansible-galaxy: Install roles
	ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml
	@echo ""
	@echo "== Installed roles =="
	ansible-galaxy list

.PHONY: galaxy-remove
galaxy-remove: ## Ansible-galaxy: Remove roles
	@echo "== Removing galaxy roles =="
	ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml | \
		awk '{print $$2}' | xargs -I {} ansible-galaxy remove {}
	@echo ""
	@echo "== Result in 'roles' folder =="
	ls -la roles/


Running make without any arguments will display list of available tasks.


Im result above one can see targets in separated groups.