Generative AI#

Introduction to Gen AI#

Generative AI - (Gen AI) is a term that refers to the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and genetic algorithms (GA). It combines the power of AI algorithms with the principles of genetic evolution to solve complex problems and optimize solutions.

Gen AI has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to tackle challenging optimization problems in various domains. By leveraging the principles of natural selection, mutation, and crossover, Gen AI can efficiently explore large solution spaces and find optimal or near-optimal solutions. This approach has been particularly successful in areas such as optimization, machine learning, and data analysis.

However Gen AI allows to generate images based on human readable text. This is not only useful for generating text-based context but also for creating visual content that can be easily shared and understood.

Following section should have some resources for Gen AI.

Resouces for Gen AI#

Following is a list of resources that can help you learn more about Gen AI. This is not an exhaustive list, but it should provide a good starting point for further exploration. And every day there are new resources available, so it is worth to check them out.


This list will be updated regularly to include new resources and remove outdated ones.

General resources#

Marcin Prączko’s resources#